viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Fechas de Evaluación Inglés II

WRITTEN (lab. de computación)
From lesson 1 to 3.

ORAL TEST. Topics to talk about:
1.     Personal information: page 5 ex 8.
2.     A special meal: page 3 ex. 8.
3.     Telling a story: page 7 ex. 8
4.     The world of work: lessons 3a/3b y 3c.  
C13: 4th October 11.40 hrs.
6th   October 10.00 hrs. sala 32
C15: 4th October  8.30 hrs.
4th   October 14.30 hrs. salón de honor
C16: 5th October  8.30 hrs.
10th October 9.55 hrs.   sala 32
C14: 5th October  9.55 hrs.
10th October 8.10 hrs sala 32